Monday, February 20, 2012

Beautiful Mother

I knew I wanted to write something about my mother, before I even started my blog.  I always thought of all the things I could say about her.  Now that my blog is finally up, and active, I had started to write about her a few times already this week, then stopped.   I have so many things I want to say about her, yet I don't exactly know where to start.  I could easily write for hours, on all of the things she's taught me, and done with me, and for me.  My mother is beautiful in every sense of the word.  She is strong, funny and smart.  She is spunky, forgiving, and kind.  She is all of the things a mother could be.  In her heart lies all of the love that you could ever imagine holding for your family. 

My mother had breast cancer, and after losing my father to the dreaded disgusting cancer, there was no way I would have been able to lose her.  Oh my god no!  When she was first diagnosed, she was amazing.  I remember when she first told me, I just laid in my bed and cried until the pillow was soaked all the way through.  I didn't want to get out of bed because my sorrow was deep.  I didn't want to get up and let the world start moving forward again because I was afraid.  Then everything changed, because my mother didn't let the cancer take anything from her.  Only her breasts, and she gave them up willingly.  I would do just the same, especially now that I have learned from her how to be courageous.  How to fight for your life with grace, dignity, and spirit.  My Mother had all of those things and more.  The doctors gave her options, mainly to have one breast removed, then take medicine and possibly chemo therapy after.  She would hear nothing of it.  She had her mind made up for a radical mastectomy, and thank GOD for that!  That alone saved her life.  She knew what she was going to do, and she had no plans on changing her mind.  We later came to find out she made the best decision possible, b/c there were signs of bad cancer in the other breast, that the Dr's supposedly thought was healthy.  She saved her own life.  How amazing is that?  My mother taught me that you can't be afraid, you have to just take what you are given and move forward.  Charge forward, and do what you gotta do.   She told me once to Worry about the bad things when they happen, otherwise you'll waste a lot of good time for nothing.  Pretty smart huh?

My Mother is very spiritual.  She is not afraid of death, and she has the most lovely faith I have ever seen.  She knows the bible, and she will tell you what is in it.  She is talented beyond talented.  She can knit, and craft and learn knew things within a few days.  I've always been in awe of that about her.  She makes the most beautiful things you have ever seen.  I have so many of her scarves, and yet I feel as though I don't have nearly enough!!!! I absolutely LOVE that about her.  How she can just pick up two sticks (knitting needles LOL) and a ball of yarn, and create something beautiful.  I don't have an ounce of that talent, so I simply admire hers! 

My Mother is beautiful.  She is so completely beautiful.  She has been there for me through every single triumph, and every single failure.  When I fall she picks me up, dusts me off and tells me to carry on.  She teaches me something knew all of the time.  Even at 37 years old she is still teaching me so much about life, and love.  I have always been so thankful that I was born by her.  I mean really, really thankful.  I am who I am, because of so much of what my mother has given me. 

She has been such a huge part of my children's lives, and raising them with me.  The calls of hysterics to her house when I had my babies, and believe me there were many, were always met with calmness and a bit of humor.  That's what I love most about my mother.  Her humor.  She puts a little bit of humor in many of the things in our life.  She can make you smile, and laugh with ease. 

If I could become just a small bit of what my mother is, I would be very happy with that.  I do believe she is a little bit of heaven here on earth.  My Beautiful Mother.  I am truly blessed, and so are my children.  She loves them as though they were her own children.  She gives herself without thought, and she cares for you, and loves you with every bit of her heart.  Truly a gift from God.

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