Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Beginning

I've been saying for years now that I was going to start a blog.  Nine years to be exact.  When my oldest son was born, and my life changed.  "Changed" being the operative word.  In so many ways, I became someone that I would finally be proud of.  I started living for real.  So many ways I could describe that moment.  That change so to speak.  I'll just leave it at that however, that on October 17, 2002 I became Mommy, and it was the most profound day of my life.  From that day on I lived as Mommy.  What a joy, what an honor.  What a moment.  When I looked into my son's eyes, I could see forever.  My heart exploded and the love grew to new heights, and hasn't stopped growing. 

I have 3 children now.  Kevin is 9, Annelyse is 7 and Ayden is 5.  To say they complete me, may sound corny to some, but to me it says everything.  As a child I remember wanting to be a Mom.  I can remember this one time I was 13 or around there anyway.  I remember thinking that I wanted nothing more then to skip all the "kid stuff" and go right on to being a Mother and a Wife.  That's what I wanted to be when I grew up.  Ofcourse when anyone asked the generic answers always applied.  A nurse, a doctor, a lawyer, a lobbiest.  I named them all.  But my heart knew the truth.  All I ever wanted, was to be what I am now.  I realize that it's not the easiest job, but for me, it's my most favorite thing.  When I look into their eyes, I can see so much.  I want so much for them.  I want to be the best Mom I can be.  I'm not perfect by any means.  I will be the first person to admit my mistakes.  I've made some doozies, oh my, yes I have.  But isn't that the whole idea?  To live and learn.  That should be on my bumper sticker.  TO LIVE AND LEARN..... I sure am!! Every single day brings a new lesson, some I fail miserably, some I do ok in, some I pass with flying colors.  All of them however, are learning experiences. 

No matter what happens to me, one thing that will always be mine, is the love I have for my children.  No one can ever take that away from me.  It's the most amazing thing to me.  How I can love them so unbelievably much.  I could care less how corny I sound.  No matter what I teach my children, no matter what we do in our lives together, one thing that will always be the same is that I am completely, whole heartedly, 100% madly in love with them.  They make me laugh and cry, they make me smile, and frown, they make me happy and angry, and they have me completely wrapped around them.  I just adore them.

My hope for this blog is to share my experiences as a mother and wife.  I've had so many funny things happen to me over the years, I've often heard people tell me to write them down.  Some of the most ridiculous things that have happened I still can't quite believe them myself.  It's important to me that I don't forget them.  I want to always remember this time in my life, the new times to come, and the crazy exciting times that have passed.  I plan to share all of my experiences, my failures, my success.  My thoughts and feelings on any given day.  That's what is so wonderful about blogging, you can share your life, and it is my hope that it will touch someone.  I also love the idea that my children can read this, and as they grow read things that have happened, and smile, or cry.  They will have this as their way to remember what we've gone through.  It's a gift that I want to give us all.  I realize I could just do it privately, in a journal or scrapbook, but I'd also like to extend it to others.  I think it will be great for me to put things out there.  To share my journey as a Mother.  It would be with great delight if I knew that I was able to touch someone out there, help another Mother.  Offer advice to new Mom's starting out, share experience with other's just like me.  Learn from it all myself.  There are so many ways that this can help me, and it can only be an added bonus if it helps another as well.

So with that I will close my first entry.  I can't wait to see what happens as I go, what crazy new things will happen today, tomorrow and so on.  One thing for sure, it's always a wild ride in my house, and there is always something to tell.

God Bless!

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